I was interviewed on this wonderful podcast show on the topic of Sedevacantism. Father Jay and I went over a number of very important topics in examining the Protestant movement of Sedevacantism. We cover the New Mass, the argument of the past Popes being Freemasons, Vatican II, the Papacy, and so much more! It's a very in depth conversation on a VERY IMPORTANT topic. As Father Jay asked me I have provided a link below to a large library of responses I have made against Sedevacantism. Below are a number of links to Youtube videos done refuting Sedevacantism, and then below you will find links to two VERY important debates done defending the Novus Ordo Missae against the claims of Sedevacantism. Provided here also is a live talk I gave on THE NEW MASS.
GOD does not lie: Refuting Sedevacantism
Examining Titus 3 through the Fathers
New Mass and Union of the Faithful
the Council of Florence and the Form of the Eucharist
Defending the Vatican/Lutheran Agreement
The New Mass was not influenced by Protestantism
Refuting Sedevacantist Objections
Sedevacantism: Another Protestant Denomination
The Council of Trent Refutes Sedevacantism
A talk on the Validity of the New Mass
RIGHT CLICK and SAVE AS to download!
Peter Dimond vs. William Albrecht
the Validity of the New Mass
Right click to save the debate vs. Ken Bird on the Validity of the New Mass below!
Opening Speeches
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Ken's Closing Statements
William's Closing Statements and Conclusion of the Debate
HAVE A BLESSED HOLY DAY Season knowing that we DO have a Papacy and we DO have a true Church! GOD BLESS you and don't hold back your love this wondrous season!